Keto Diet Summit(2)

Leading Keto Diet Experts Share Their Best Tips, Tricks, Strategies and Secrets to...

Unlock the Secrets to Keto and Carnivore Success to Lose Weight and Regain Health!

SEPTEMBER 15th-17th 2024

A 3-day virtual event for carnivore and keto dieters

Our Speakers

Maria Emmerich from Keto Adapted

Craig Emmerich author of “Keto: The Complete Guide” and “The Carnivore Cookbook”

Joe & Rachel from 2 Krazy Ketos

Courtney Luna from

Jason Brown - Carnivore JT from

Dori from Colourful Dori

Katie Rodriguez from Keto for Mamas

Zane Griggs from

Dr. Wiedeman from

Meghann Hempel from

Britt James from

Dani Conway from

Ellen Kriz from

Serena Musick from


There is a lot of info about keto out there so what makes this keto summit different? Well, we wanted to help with your biggest struggles to help make keto easier while helping you achieve your goals

If you've got questions about keto... our speakers will have the answers!

Reaching your desired weight, breaking through plateaus and making keto easy takes a whole lot more than eating less than 20-50 carbs a day.

You’re getting a lot of things right:

  • You are eating less carbs.
  • You're tracking your food.
  • And you're eating less.

But the scale is not moving, you're still tired, your body hurts, your motivation is less compared to when you started, and you wonder if it's even worth it.


  • are frustrated because you gained the weight back after being on a keto diet.
  • are upset at yourself that you can't say no to cravings and temptations.
  • are annoyed at yourself that you once were so motivated and now the motivation has vanished.
  • are stuck at a plateau and nothing that you do lowers the weight.
  • stopped buying and eating all the sweet sugar treats, but you still crave the sugar.

There has got to be a better way!

You dream of finding a way to lose weight, break through plateaus and make keto easy, that's doable with your hectic schedule, and actually works.

You dream of finding a way to lose weight, break through plateaus and make keto easy, that's doable with your hectic schedule and actually works.


be able to increase calories and not gain weight?

use protein as a weight loss tool?

break through weight stalls?

break free from food addiction and regain control of your life?

achieve sustainable weight loss?

This is exactly what you'll experience at the Keto Diet Summit!

and more!

During the Keto Diet Summit you'll learn how to lose weight, breakthrough plateaus by making things easy with keto

Join us for the Keto Diet Summit to learn from 12+ experts about the keto lifestyle to get your health back on track. All from the comfort of your home.


Meet Your Host

Hey! I’m Abby, the owner of a keto recipe website called Keto Keuhn Nutrition. I also have a few keto e-books. I have a passion for helping people lead healthier lives through the keto diet.

As a busy business owner, while working another full-time job in my late 30s, I understand the struggles of a busy life.

I created this summit to help you to put together the pieces of the keto diet that aren’t working well so you can become healthier and happier.

Here's what others have said about this past summit from February 2024!

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You're ready to experience health with weight loss and more energy.

It's time to stop relying on what random FB people tell you to do and finally listen to experts so you can lose weight, break through plateaus and finally make keto easy.

You can also sign up for the waitlist for the next summit! 🙂